If you happen to owe the IRS any money, you will find that they will come after you and they will not be nice about it. The IRS is not going to forget that you owe them a debt and they will push to make sure that it is paid and on time too. One of the bad things about owing the IRS money is that they can forcibly collect on you too. This means that the IRS is allowed to seize your bank account or property and they can garnish the wages you worked so hard to earn. If you already live paycheck to paycheck, this is a serious situation and can place you in some financial trouble, especially since the IRS can take 30 to 100 percent of your wages.
The tax professionals at Leading Tax Group do not want to see a bank levy bury you and that is why we are here. We will work closely with you to enact a bank levy release in Marina Del Rey. Call our office today to discuss your options.
Leading Tax Group in Marina Del Rey can help with stopping a bank levy and even removing it. Call our Marina Del Rey based office today for a free consultation on bank levy release.