Why You Need Marijuana Tax Settlement Representation in Encino
Right now, Encino — like the rest of California — is in a time of tremendous change when it comes to the marijuana industry. In the past year alone, new laws, on top of the dozens that already exist which single out the cannabis industry, have resulted in more than $61 Million in settlement revenue for the state in just the first quarter!
The IRS isn’t even the only agency that cannabis related businesses can face audits from. A host of other regulatory agencies are also auditing, including:
- The Board of Equalization (BOE)
- The Franchise Tax Board (FTB)
- The Employment Development Department (EDD).
Each of these agencies has the power to investigate and levy penalties, and every settlement comes along with a laundry list of little details that could quickly sink your business. Needless to say, tax settlements on cannabis related business in California are a cash cow for the state…which is why any smart business owner should be seeking professional representation immediately!
Don’t make the mistake of going it alone.
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