If you owe taxes to the IRS, you are right in your guess that they will come to collect the money. The IRS will not forget about your debt and they will not let it go, especially when they know where your business or home is located. Unfortunately for you, the IRS is allowed to forcibly collect the money you owe them, and this can be concerning. The IRS is legally allowed to seize your bank account or property. They can also garnish your wages, which means they dip into your paycheck before you even receive it. The IRS can take anywhere from 30 to 100 percent of your paycheck! Yikes.
Leading Tax Group is committed to working closely with you to make sure this does not happen and that you can receive a bank levy release in San Diego. Call our office now.
Leading Tax Group in San Diego can help with stopping a bank levy and even removing it. Call our San Diego based office today for a free consultation on bank levy release.