If you owe any type of monetary debt to the IRS, you can expect them to try to collect the money from you. If you have not paid the IRS, you may think that you are in the clear because you are experiencing a financial hardship and they will understand right? This is not how it works, and the IRS will not let your debt slide, no matter the amount. In fact, the IRS is able to place a bank levy on your account and this means that your bank account will be frozen. You will not be able to access your money and you will have to forcefully make payments to the IRS from that account.
A bank levy in Encino can have serious financial implications on you and it may leave you in a desperate financial situation. The IRS is even able to garnish your wages up to large percentage of your paycheck. At Leading Tax Group, we do not want to see this happen to you and we will do what it takes to make sure that we can get a bank levy release in Encino. Call our office now to discuss your options.
Leading Tax Group in Encino can help with stopping a bank levy and even removing it. Call our Encino based office today for a free consultation on bank levy release.