If you happen to owe any money to the IRS, they will look for you and they will expect you to pay it, even if it is a small amount – they want their money. The IRS does not forget that you owe them a debt and they will make sure it is paid and at their discretion too. One of the worst things about owing the IRS money is that they can forcibly require you to pay them the money. Therefore, if you ignore them, they will enact a bank levy on you and this means that they will freeze your bank account and the money that is in it. In addition, they can garnish your wages and legally take a substantial percentage of your paycheck every payday. The Tax Experts at Leading Tax Group do not want to see you suffer with a bank levy and that is why we are here to help. Call our office today to learn more about how we can start the bank levy release process in Pasadena.
Leading Tax Group in Pasadena can help with stopping a bank levy and even removing it. Call our Pasadena based office today for a free consultation on bank levy release.