On: August 7, 2020
If you fail to pay your taxes, avoid paying them, or make a long-term mistake on your tax filings, the IRS can demand payment. In some cases, the IRS will respond with action like tax liens or wage garnishments, and other times they will initiate “levies.” The are several kinds of IRS levies, one of […]
On: July 31, 2020
The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) is like the IRS in its ability to audit your state taxes. The CDTFA typically conducts audits in three-year intervals. There are several reasons that the CDTFA may target you for an audit; these include suspicions about you avoiding sales or use taxes as well as […]
In California, an EDD audit, or an audit from the Employment Development Department, is something that will be unavoidable for any type of business. These audits tend to look more into the employment side of your business and make sure that all the correct taxes are being paid and no workers are getting mistreated. There […]
On: July 24, 2020
California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) was introduced by the Taxpayer Transparency and Fairness Act of 2017, which divided the State Board of Equalization (BOE) into three separate bodies: the BOE, the CDTFA, and the Office of Tax Appeals (OTA). In California, sales taxes are collected by the California Department of Tax and […]
In California, there are some audits that you’ll inevitably run into and some that you should be worried to go through. The Employment Development Department, or EDD, deals with all payroll and employee payroll matters in the state and will often subject you to random audits. Unlike verification audits, which are random, automatic audit from […]
On: July 17, 2020
The Board of Equalization (BOE) administers, enforces, and collects sales and tax for the State of California. The audit authenticates whether a business has reported and paid the correct amount of sales tax to the state. Before you begin your preparations, you should be ready to follow your auditor’s requests. But do not deliberately give additional information […]
Living in California means that you will face a certain type of audit at least once in your business career. The Employment Development Department, or EDD, has regular and random audits for those whom it serves and pay taxes for it. They deal with payroll matters and make sure that workers are not being exploited […]
On: July 10, 2020
The administration and collection of many non-income taxes and fees for the state of California are assigned to The California Board of Equalization (BOE). It is one of the government agencies responsible for collecting and enforcing the state’s tax laws. As many of these taxes and fees are an essential part of the state revenue […]
Some audits in California are like traffic, unavoidable. Being a business owner means that you will end up dealing with the Employment Development Department, or the EDD, which handles all payroll matters, including taxes and employee pay. They have different types of audits which can mean different things for you depending on how you handle […]
On: July 3, 2020
If you have a bank account, mutual fund, or any other financial asset outside the U.S, you are required to report it to the IRS if it exceeds certain thresholds. This can be done by filing FBAR (Foreign Bank Account Reporting). As a U.S resident (All personnel holding green cards even if not physically present in […]