
I’ve Been Paid in Cash Since I Started Working, Will the IRS Ever Know About This?

On: September 28, 2018

The cash issue has always been an interesting one. The IRS hates it. If you are paid in cash and put it in the bank, the bank reports the interest earned at the end of the year to the IRS. This puts the IRS on notice that you exist, but that they are not receiving […]

Can the IRS Sue Me?

On: September 21, 2018

Anyone can sue anyone, but the IRS does not need to in order to collect the amounts due them for income tax and the other tax collections it administers. The IRS has the following collection powers: Liens Levies Wage garnishments Property seizures The IRS may intercept your federal or state refund None of the above […]

Can the IRS Take Money Out of My Bank Account?

On: September 14, 2018

You go to the ATM to get some case and are informed there is no money available in your account. You go inside and are informed that the IRS has levied your bank account. Now is the time to move quickly. Request a copy of the IRS levy immediately. You need to make sure that […]

How Many Years Can the IRS Audit Me For?

On: September 7, 2018

From the IRS website: Generally, the IRS can include returns filed within the last three years in an audit. If the IRS identifies a substantial error, it may add additional years. It usually doesn’t go back more than the last six years. The IRS tries to audit tax returns as soon as possible after they […]

How Long is an IRS Audit?

On: August 31, 2018

The following is a quote from the IRSA website: How long does an audit take? The length varies depending on the type of audit; the complexity of the issues; the availability of information requested; the availability of both parties for scheduling meetings; and your agreement or disagreement with the findings. Not very helpful. My experience […]

What Are the Advantages of Hiring a Tax Attorney to Represent Me in an IRS Audit?

On: August 24, 2018

Audits are document intensive. So are tax attorneys. You need to provide documentary proof that certain incomes and expenses were made or not made. You need to be able to know exactly how much to say to satisfy the auditor without opening the audit up to ever increasing questions. Auditors are on fishing expeditions to […]

The IRS Called and Threatened to Arrest Me. Is That a Scam? Can the IRS Arrest Me?

On: August 17, 2018

The following is an article from the IRS’ website IRS YouTube Video: Tax Scams: English | ASL IR-2013-84, Oct. 31, 2013 WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today warned consumers about a sophisticated phone scam targeting taxpayers, including recent immigrants, throughout the country. Victims are told they owe money to the IRS and it must be paid promptly […]

How Far Can I Go Back and Amend My IRS 1040 Tax Return?

On: August 10, 2018

3 years If you have discovered a mistake in a tax returns that has already been filed, you can file an amended return, also known as Form 1040X. The Internal Revenue Service allows you to amend a return if your filing status is incorrect, your income is wrong, or you have incorrectly calculated deductions or […]

How Do I Find Out What I Owe the IRS?

On: August 3, 2018

You, or someone properly designated as your Power of Attorney, may call the IRS and request  the information they have on you at anytime. This includes account balances, wage and income data going back 10 years, and IRS records of interest and penalties that have accrued on your account while balance dues remain pending. One […]

What Type of Tax Does the FTB Collect?

On: July 27, 2018

The Franchise Tax Board (FTB) is the agency responsible for collecting state personal income taxes in California. The revenues FTB collects are placed in the state’s general fund to help pay for items, such as roads, parks, law enforcement, and schools. California’s state income tax system is based on the principle of voluntary compliance. Voluntary […]