If your business owes any taxes in Encino, you will find that the Franchise Tax Board will come after you. You may receive notices from them in the mail. They want to collect the money you owe them, and they will often assess you additional fees, penalties, and interest charges, which can skyrocket the debt you already owe to them. The California Franchise Tax Board is not going to forgive the money you owe them, even if it is a small amount. They will continue to try to collect from you until it is paid, and they will impose penalties too.
The Franchise Tax Board has a set of policies and procedures that they are required to follow, and they will not be easy on you. It is important that you make sure you understand all of the rules and you follow them to avoid issues later on down the road.
Our experienced tax professionals in Encino are prepared to provide you with the best Franchise Tax Board representation in Encino. Call Leading Tax Group today to learn more.
Franchise Tax Board representation by Leading Tax Group based in Encino, CA. Call us today for a free consultation and to see how we can help you with the FTB audit.