If you reside or do business in Encino and receive cryptocurrency from a company for its marketing or promotional purposes (a cryptocurrency “air drop” transaction), you realize cryptocurrency income.
Cryptocurrency income, regardless of its specific type, is taxable income and must be reported on your tax return.
If you are the subject of a crypto tax audit in the Encino area, you need to hire the services of tax professionals who can best represent you in your crypto tax audit. You need the services of Leading Tax Group.
When you have the services of Leading Tax Group on your side, you can take advantage of two essential points to be successful in a crypto tax audit in the Encino area. First, Leading Tax Group has the necessary knowledge about cryptocurrency to understand cryptocurrency issues. Second, Leading Tax Group has the necessary experience in dealing with the IRS on other tax audits of Encino taxpayers to understand how to best resolve crypto tax audits.
With its knowledge and experience, Leading Tax Group is the best choice to represent you in your crypto tax audit in the Encino area.
For your convenient access, Leading Tax Group has an office in Encino at 16133 Ventura Boulevard, # 700.
If you are facing a crypto tax audit, and live in the Encino area, you need the aggressive and experienced tax representation of Leading Tax Group. Contact Leading Tax Group now!
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