How Do I Find Out What I Owe the IRS?

On: August 3, 2018

You, or someone properly designated as your Power of Attorney, may call the IRS and request  the information they have on you at anytime. This includes account balances, wage and income data going back 10 years, and IRS records of interest and penalties that have accrued on your account while balance dues remain pending. One can have this information faxed to you or mailed to your designated address. The will not email this information to you. In the alternative, you may go to, go to “Get My Tax Transcript” and set up an account with the IRS (personal information will be requested). You will be able to access your Return Transcript (4), Record of Account Transcript (4), Account Transcript (10) and Wage and Income Data (10) for the past 4 to 10 years.

You may use the IRS’ website ( to get all phone numbers. Many taxpayers chose to use a tax professional to make this call and get this information for them in case the information is needed for further tax oriented reasons. Tax Professionals often do this for a reduced fee in the hopes of getting your potential future business.